Open House 2024
On May 7, 2024, the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences at FUSST hosted an Open House event. The ceremony was inaugurated by the Rector of Foundation University Islamabad, Major General Muhammad Kaleem Asif HI (M) Retired. Accompanied by Prof. Dr. Amer Akhtar, Dean of Arts and Social Sciences, and all the Heads of Departments, he toured the Psychology and English stalls. Dr. Jamilah Hanum from the International Islamic University Malaysia also attended, exploring various displays and projects.
Students from the Department of Psychology showcased their work from courses such as Positive Psychology, I/O Psychology, Gender Issues in Psychology, Child Psychology, and Psychopathology. The organizing team included Ms. Umme Siddiqa, Dr. Urwa Ali, Ms. Fatima Zafar, Ms. Rahat Munir, and Ms. Meherwish Deep Naz.

Open House project Supervised by Dr Saima Ehsan and BS 8th Students won the 2nd prize in the open House project.
Students have displayed their final year project (Spring-2024) under supervision of Ms. Rahat Munir in which they arranged various workshops on topics of organizational psychology in various organizations.

Success Stories

Mr. Ahmad Ali Ansari
Mr. Ahmad Ali Ansari, a lecturer, won a travel grant from King Saud University. He presented his research on adult mental health at a conference held in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.